Financié le 04 / 01 / 2014
£ 9,069
£ 6,757
£ 10,136
173 Cofinanceurs
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    T-shirt with our mascots

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    Guided visit and informative session about the project

    Visit our labs and join us for an informative session about the Dermoglass project. You will also receive a magnet and a T-shirt with our mascots + CD of Andreu Rifé signed by him.

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  • Pour £ 845


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    > 01 Cofinanceurs

À propos du projet

Research and development of regenerative skin wound dressings

Budget Tâche Minimal Optimal
Ensayo Preclínico ( 2 cerdos, 2 meses de estabulación)
Se compran dos cerdos que deben mantenerse en unas condiciones determinadas de cuidados y control en el estabulario. Los veterinarios cuidan de la salud y el perfecto estado del animal.
£ 3,041
Cirugía ( personal, anestesia) y recolección de muestras (biopsia)
El dia de la cirugía se requiere de veterinario experimentado que realizará los ensayos en los animales. Esta tarea consta de un coste de anestesia, la práctica de la cirugía y la aplicación y seguimiento de los apositos durante todo el ensayo. por útimo se recogerán muestras para ser analizados.
£ 2,027
Estudio histopatológico
Realizar los ctes histológos a partir de las muestras, realizar las tinciones y determinar el efecto del apósito en el crecimiento del tejido y su cicatrización.
£ 1,689
Se requieren al menos 3 cerdos para tener un número de muestras que permita obtener resultados estadísticamente tarea
Animal, estabulación y control veterinario. 1 cerdo, 2 meses de estabulación.
£ 1,520
Cirugía y seguimiento.
El dia de la cirugía se requiere de veterinario experimentado que realizará los ensayos en los animales. Esta tarea consta de un coste de anestesia, la práctica de la cirugía y la aplicación y seguimiento de los apositos durante todo el ensayo. por útimo se recogerán muestras para ser analizados.
£ 1,014
Estudio histopatológico
Realizar los ctes histológos a partir de las muestras, realizar las tinciones y determinar el efecto del apósito en el crecimiento del tejido y su cicatrización.
£ 845
Total £ 6,757 £ 10,136

Informations générales

Researchers at the UPC (Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia , IBEC , have developed a new dressing ( kind of gauze ) in order to accelerate the healing of slowly-healing or non-healing skin sores. These sores , also known as ulcers , are open skin lesions . Most of you probably know someone who suffers these ulcers, specially aged people because they are the most common chronic wounds in the population over 65.

These sores occur in people who spend much time in bed or sitting because of various reasons. The immobility prevents proper blood flow to the legs, thus, the lack of blood flow together with the pressure due to the body weight leads to these wounds. It also occurs in diabetics who have poor circulation and foot injuries that might never heal (diabetic foot) .

Ulcers begin to be known as the XXI century silent epidemy because it happens that ulcers are a result of other diseases that cause patient immobility; thus, ulcers are not treated correctly and affect a large number of patients. It is a silent disease that seriously affects the quality of life of many people causing pain, mobility difficulties, self-esteem problems and dependence, and the need to visit health centers to receive the necessary treatment and in most cases serious hospital admission .

While there are numerous dermal dressings on the market , they do not solve the problem of healing in most of the cases. The innovative technology developed by scientists at the UPC- IBEC seeks stimulating vascularization (generation of new blood vessels) , and thus a quicker healing of the affected tissue. The results obtained so far are encouraging , showing a faster repair than other dressings available in the market.

Caractéristiques principales

The project is focused on the production and evaluation of a regenerative wound dressing to repair skin wounds. These dressings or gauzes carry nanoparticles (particles so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye) embedded; these nanoparticles dissolve and stimulate skin self-regeneration.

In order to reach patients, we need to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of these dressings by means of preclinical studies using animal models. After demonstrating their safety and effectiveness the technology can be transferred to the patients.


Pourquoi est-ce important

Why are we interested in this topic? Because all of us may suffer these ulcers!

Although people over 65 years are the most affected, nobody is safe. Thus, this project focuses on general population, since any of us can suffer from this ailment and surely know someone who has it. These sores recover very slowly during spontaneous healing. In 70 % of the cases these are recurrent wounds. These sores are a major public health problem .

An epidemiological study of pressure ulcers in Spain stated that the number of people affected by these injuries in our country exceeds one hundred thousand citizens and with them, the family caregivers , and professionals responsible for their care . With these dressings tissue repair will be faster and lasting , which will make the treatment shorter, moreover, restoring the blood supply to the affected area will activate tissue regeneration . This will diminish the pain, improve the quality of life and reduce the number of visits to health centers.

Objectifs de la campagne de crowdfunding

The aim of this proposal is to raise enough money for funding preclinical studies. Preclinical studies are animal testing to ensure the efficacy and safety of the product. These studies will allow that in a near future everybody suffering this problem have access to this new technology.


Expérience antérieure et équipe

All the researchers involved in this initiative possess a wide experience (15 years) in the development of new biomaterials for applications in bone, vascular, neural and dermal tissue regeneration ( We are a multidisciplinary group of professors and researchers working at the UPC and in the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group at IBEC.
Elisabeth Engel (UPC-IBEC), Associate professor at UPC, leader of the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group at IBEC, with extensive experience in biology applied to biomaterials.
Soledad Pérez (IBEC) Senior researcher, she is a biologist with extensive experience in animal studies and dermal tissue.
Oscar Castaño (UPC-IBEC), Senior researcher, he is an inorganic chemist specialized in the development of ceramic and hybrid biomaterials for tissue engineering.
Miguel A. Mateos (CIBER), Senior researcher, he is chemist, specialized in the development of biopolymers and their functionalization for tissue engineering applications.
Melba Navarro (IBEC), Senior researcher, she is chemical engineer, specialized in the development and characterization of polymeric and ceramic 3D scaffolds for tissue engineering purposes.


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Sustainable Development Goals

  • Good Health and Well-Being

    Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development.