IMPACT Journal. Improving Health Actions

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Financié le 22 / 11 / 2015
£ 2,504
£ 1,820
£ 2,920
65 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 4

    Acknowledgement: Appreciation on the web

    Those who collaborate with € 5 will appear in the web as IMPACT collaborators

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 13

    First free issue

    Collaborate and get the first issue of IMPACT magazine in Digital format

    > 20 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 38

    Subscription in the website for 2 years

    These people will have access to the services offered by IMPACT Journal for 2 years including the 1st and 2nd number in digital format.

    > 13 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 85

    IMPACT Member

    Collaborates with €100 and receive the 1st number printed, stickers of IMPACT Journal, subscription for two years and an editor thank-you letter

    > 10 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 212

    Honorary Member

    Special recognition in the web + marketing pack (1st number printed, stickers and poster)

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 423

    Lead partner

    Invitation as an Assistant to scientific events that IMPACT participates or promotes (Honorary Member benefits)

    > 00 Cofinanceurs

À propos du projet

International Open Access Health sciences research journal

Budget Matériel Minimal Optimal
Office material
Paper, folders, ink cartridges for printers and other equipment stationery.
£ 127
Reward shipping
Postal courier charges
£ 339
Reward material derived from the Crowfunding campaign
Printed materials design and production to be sent: stickers, pens and material for the project dissemination
£ 423
Reusable material for use at conferences where IMPACT Journal advertising's is carried out (roll-ups and dissemination to interested public material)
£ 381
Budget Infrastructure Minimal Optimal
2 years domain and web hostage prize
£ 254
Budget Tâche Minimal Optimal
IMPACT Journal web maintenance and update along two years
£ 254
Web and material adaptation to a more modern and attractive design
£ 423
Conferences attendance related to health sciences, research or education carying out dissemination actvities
£ 592
Physical opening attendees material in Spanish and English due to the Audience
£ 127
Total £ 1,820 £ 2,920

Informations générales

IMPACT Journal Project was founded by Healthcare Professionals and Researchers from the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Alicante, Spain in May 2014. At that moment, IMPACT Board of Trustees was mainly composed by Undergraduate, Master Degree and PhD students and also supported and assessed by experienced researchers in different healthcare fieldworks. Since then, IMPACT Board has kept incorporating more motivated collaborators encouraged with its challenges. The Journal main scope is focused on making the difference by covering different up-to-date topics and issues regarding populations’ healthcare needs and demands. IMPACT vision is clearly concentrated on filling the gap that many healthcare professionals and alumni from different areas and disciplines experience within their transition from the educational contexts to the professional ones.

IMPACT is intended to be as an open source of scientific knowledge and a strategic disseminating tool for the multidisciplinary healthcare research developed by young and senior research teams and individualsthat seek social impact. Consequently, IMPACThas been designed as an Open Access Journal, providing free access to the contents published to those interested. Additionally, IMPACT Journal aims to search and promote useful scientific evidences as well as building bridges and establishing synergies amongst students and alumni, educators and healthcare practitioners from a global perspective, boosting innovation and improvement in research related to multidisciplinary Health Sciences.

Caractéristiques principales

IMPACT Team created the journal as an Open Access place to disseminate the most current scientific evidence of Health Sciences focused on students, teachers, researchers and healthcare workers from national and international point of view.


Pourquoi est-ce important

The roots of this initiative are based on the needs of scientific information and communication orientated to research begginers in Health Sciences. Thus, a group of Healthcare Professionals and active researchers have launched to create a place to promote the most current scientific evidence, offering the opportunity to publish papers released by students and researchers with a professional peer reviewed from different parts of the world.

Objectifs de la campagne de crowdfunding

To carry out our objective to launch the magazine Impact Journal in Open Access format, we need to obtain resources that allow us to design and program the web site and the content, maintaining it and also improving the manuscripts (intranet) management system. In addition, one of our objectives is to support the team in the international disclosure and dissemination.

If we achieve the minimum funding targets to launch the magazine, we will work on it consolidation, in order to undertake scientific communication and dissemination actions in the future.


Expérience antérieure et équipe

Young and Senior Researchers and Healthcare Professionals perform IMPACT team, some of them with research experience in different recognized International and National Research Initiatives as well as in European Research projects funded by the European Commission. Those projects have served as the inspiration for the IMPACT team to create the Journal and platform. Moreover, those projects are actively supported by countries such as Scotland, England, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland and Romania, also establishing collaborations with Latin American organizations and institutions.
The following projects are two good examples of the ones that encouraged IMPACT creation from the beginning and as a consequence some of the international partners involved in both of them have become followers of our IMPACT initiative:

ISTEW Project which acronym means Improvement Science Training for European Healthcare workers is led by the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). The main objective is to develop shared academic and practice based programmes that enable European universities to build improvement capability and capacity within their own healthcare workforce, through engagement with students based on an agreed scope of practice, essential knowledge base, and improvement science competence across partner countries. The ISTEW programme will address these challenges by supporting multidisciplinary healthcare universities to develop a more collective understanding of improvement science and develop improvement capability within their own workforce by engaging with pre and post-registration students during their professional education. This will ultimately improve the quality of healthcare systems for both providers and recipients, so ISTEW Project can be understood as a future investment in our Healthcare system.

Palliare Project is another European Project. Led by the University of the West of Scotland and funded by the EU Erasmus Plus programme aims to develop interprofessional experiential learning (IPE) solutions that will equip the qualified dementia workforce to champion evidence informed improvements to advanced dementia care and family caring. The term palliative care is derived from the Latin verb ‘palliare’ which means to cloak. Palliative care aims to relieve and prevent pain and suffering at all stages of a condition, in all areas of someone’s life. Dementia is a progressive condition, with an extended, intensive palliative care phase. This project aims to support the dementia workforce to champion improvements to extended palliative dementia care in their workplace. Outputs will include the development of a virtual Community of Practice and interprofessional education on advanced dementia care.

IMPACT Journal is a new online scientific journal of Health Sciences led by a multidisciplinary team of young and senior researchers, with a multidisciplinary approach of Health, including different perspectives of Health Care (education, management, practice, research and policy), built on evidence-based perspective, gender-respectful and even promoting environmental-awareness globally.


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