
Financié le 31 / 01 / 2014
€ 3.625
€ 2.630
€ 3.680
82 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 10


    We will recognize your help through a mention on our Facebook page and our website :)

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 20

    Postcards of the event

    Digital Postcards with professional photographs from the event, the region, the people and activities + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 20 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 35

    Donate a plant with your name or your friends name

    You will be part of the reforestation of the farm. With your support we will grow a plant, which will have a plate with your name or your friends name as a gift. We will take care so you or your friend will always be with us. You will receive a picture with the plant and name + an email with greetings and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 26 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 50

    Donate a tree with your name or your friends name

    You will be part of the reforestation of the farm. With your support we will grow a native tree, which will have a plate with your name or your friends name as a gift. We will take care so you or your friend will always be with us. You will receive a picture with the tree and name + an email with greetings and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 150

    The best Colombian coffee

    Since the event is in the coffee region of Colombia, you will receive 250gr in grain of the best coffees in the world, bio-produced by local farmers + an email with greetings for your contribution and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 200

    Poncho and Colombian coffee

    Risaralda is famous for its coffee and its beautiful embroidered ponchos. Ponchos are a typical garment of farmers in the region, they show it proudly and it is very comfortable to stay at home or for garden work :) Receive a Poncho + 250g grain, one of the best bio-coffees in the world produced by local farmers + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour € 300

    Video with a dedication to you

    We will make a video just for you !!! All participants will thank you virtually for your great support in a beautiful video with a dedication to your name. So, get this beautiful video + 250g grain of one of the best coffees in the world, bio-produced by local farmers in the region + an acknowledgment by email and your name as a sponsor on our website.

    > 00 Cofinanceurs

82 Cofinanceurs

1 collaborators

Show donors

€ 15


€ 35
€ 20
€ 20


€ 35


€ 35
€ 35


€ 20


€ 50
€ 10


Hace 1 décennie
Unete a nuestra red y ayúdanos: Este es el primer evento, pero esperamos seguir haciéndolo cada año. Únete a nuestra red y ayúdanos a que este evento perdure. Contáctanos para que pensemos una buena forma en la que nos puedes ayudar.
Cela fait 1 décennie
Hola!! Somos Cuestabajo, de la campaña Experiencia Vueltas Abiertas, también en Goteo (andalucia.goteo.org/project/experiencia-vueltas-abiertas). Nos parece realmente interesante vuestra campaña, le daremos difusión a través de nuestra web cultural Universo La Maga. Para que os demos difusión, por favor, escribid a contacto@universolamaga.com indicándonos (Asunto: difusión goteo) Recibid un saludo cordial