Caja de Música...¡Primer Disco de Caranzalem!

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Financié le 07 / 02 / 2018
£ 3,398
£ 3,297
£ 5,030
134 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 4

    Pijama traveler

    Digital CD download + Thank you in the booklet

    > 09 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 8

    Wayfaring adventurer

    Physical CD copy + Thank you in the booklet (Shipping within Spain)

    > 54 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 13

    Bicycle dreamer

    Physical CD copy + Thank you in the booklet (International shipping)

    > 09 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 21

    Train Backpacker

    Physical CD copy + Thank you in the booklet + Pack of 5 illustrations from the booklet + Exclusive dedication (International shipping)

    > 28 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 42

    Aquatic traveler

    Physical CD copy + Thank you in the booklet + Pack of 5 illustrations from the booklet + Exclusive dedication + limited edition notebook + Caranzalem designer tote bag (International shipping)

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 85

    Air traveler (Music lover pack):

    Physical CD copy + Thank you in the booklet + Pack of 5 illustrations from the booklet + Exclusive dedication + limited edition notebook + Caranzalem designer tote bag + Pack of 3 personalized scores for any of the pieces from the CD (International shipping)

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 127

    Globetrotter (Business pack)

    All the previous rewards + YOUR BUSINESS LOGO on the CD and our future web page, as a sponsor (International shipping)

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 254

    Space traveler

    All the previous rewards + Coffee chat with the members of Caranzalem to talk about our work, the recording process, the music, etc. (meetup in person or videochat)

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 423

    Time traveler

    All the previous rewards + Private Caranzalem concert (travel costs included within a 100km radius from Zaragoza or Vigo)

    > 00 Cofinanceurs

¡Estamos a punto de llegar al ecuador de nuestro objetivo! :)

15 | 01 | 2018
¡Estamos a punto de llegar al ecuador de nuestro objetivo! :)

A todavía 22 días de que acabe nuestra campaña, hemos conseguido cubrir el 49% de nuestro objetivo gracias a todas/os vosotras/os.

Queremos agradecéroslo enormemente y anunciaros que estamos preparando una sorpresa muy especial para cuando consigamos ese 50%.

¿Qué será...?

¡Pronto lo sabréis!

Por el momento os dejamos con este regalo que nos han hecho dedicándonos un artículo en el famoso portal Música Antigua:

¡Un abrazo amigas/os!


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