Njombe Beyond " 2nd life of plastic satisfies local needs"

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Financié le 18 / 08 / 2019
£ 6,789
£ 3,303
£ 5,203
99 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 8


    We will include your name on the appreciation section on our website :)

    > 16 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 17


    Apart from including your name on our website, you will get the picture of a beautiful and unique sunset of Njombe.

    • Appreciation
    • Sunset
    > 19 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 42


    Apart from including your name on our website, you will get a video of the workshop in operation and the people who participate in the project.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    > 19 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 84

    Object recycled in our workshop

    Apart from including your name on our website and the video, you will get one of the objects that will be produced in our workshop. You will be able to choose the one you like the most.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)

    > 11 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 211

    Give a name to the machines

    Apart from including your name on our website, the video and the recycled object, you will be able to choose a name for one of the machines; it can be yours or the one you choose.

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +
    • Name of one of the machines

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)

    > 03 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 422

    Get to know Njombe and our workshop

    Apart from including your name on our website, the video and the recycled object, for the adventurous ones: stay in Njombe during 3 days, get a course on plastic recycling in our workshop and visit to the most special places in Njombe. Karibu!

    • Appreciation
    • Video
    • Object recycled in our workshop +
    • Stay in Njombe and plastic recycling course++

      +You will get it before spring 2020. Shipping only includes Spain. Please, consider the carbon footprint of the transport if you choose this option ;)
      ++Accommodation and meals for 2 people during 3 days.

    > 01 Cofinanceurs

Updates of the project

24 | 07 | 2019

Habari za leo?

We hope you are doing great, we suppose that most of you are enjoying summer. Here in Njombe we are experiencing the coldest days of the year, the thermometer has gone down to 4 °C tonight! Although we are in the tropics, Njombe is at 2000 m above sea level and that becomes very evident in June and July…

Yes, it is true: we have relaxed quite a lot with the crowdfunding campaign. We have 25 days ahead before the end of the campaign and we have reached 95 % of the optimum quantity to start the project. But, we will be back with the promotion in this last stage to reach the optimum!

These past weeks we have been busy researching different issues:

We visited James and Vincent, two of the entrepreneurs who shred plastic in Njombe and who are interested in taking part in the project. They told us in detail about their business and we characterized the different types of plastic that they get in their workshops. We want to know what types of plastics and the amounts generated in Njombe; thus, apart from the latter, we are collecting and characterizing the plastic waste generated in the households of neighbors and friends.

We have also started to research on what products would be interesting to manufacture for the community. For that, we have visited several small industries in Njombe: Imiliwaha, where some food products are processed, Toni Bakery in Nazareth Centre and Njombe Milk Factory. We are also looking for possibilities in the field of education: we have interviewed experts in this topic and tomorrow we will start visiting different schools in Njombe.

Besides, yesterday we had a meeting with the Insitute in which the metal workshop that will build the machines is located. We introduced the project and discussed about the future potential collaborations. On Monday we will have a meeting with the technical people of the workshop so that they can start producing the injection machine. We can’t wait!

We have also had a couple of meetings with Njombe Town Council, specifically with the Environmental and Education Departments, to inform them about the status of the project and share ideas for the following steps.
That is all so far… we will keep you updated!

Kwaherini :)


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