Travel Cards

Classé le 23 / 10 / 2012
£ 407
£ 4,144
£ 4,918
39 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 3

    LAUNCH DEAL One deck with personal hand over

    Personal hand over of a single deck in Barcelona in an informal presentation meeting of the project. Super reduced price!

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 4

    One deck, with shipment

    Shipment of a single deck to Spain

    > 26 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 5

    One deck & your name on the box

    Shipment of a single deck to Spain + Your name will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 10 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 7

    One deck destination Europe

    Shipment of a single deck to every country of Europe

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 8

    One deck destination Europe & your name on the box

    Shipment of a single deck to every country of Europe + Your name will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 13

    One deck destination worldwide

    Shipment of a single deck to the rest of the world

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 14

    One deck destination worldwide & your name on the box

    Shipment of a single deck to the rest of the world + Your name will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 41

    Pack of 12 decks, display unit & your name on the box

    Shipment of a 12 deck pack to Spain + 1 display unit + Your name (personal or brand) will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 62

    Pack of 24 decks, display units & your name on the box

    Shipment of a 24 deck pack to Spain + 2 display units + Your name (personal or brand) will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 129

    Pack of 60 decks, display units & your name on the box

    Shipment of a 60 deck pack to Spain + 5 display units + Your name (personal or brand) will be included in the list of contributors on the back of the box

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 3,438

    "Megapack" customized decks

    2.160 deck's pack + 180 display units + Your logo printed on every card + Shipment to every country of Europe

    > 00 Cofinanceurs

Sólo quedan 7 días

16 | 10 | 2012
Sólo quedan 7 días

Queda sólo una semana para cerrar la campaña de financiamiento colectivo y, siendo realista, no creo que vayamos a conseguir la inversión mínima para llevar a cabo el ambicioso proyecto de las Travel Cards.

Quiero agradeceros a todos los que habéis participado y pediros un último esfuerzo para hacer llegar la idea a cuanta más gente mejor. Nos falta un inversor fuerte, como una juguetería, una agencia de viajes, una librería, una cadena de comercios, etc.

Si conocéis a alguien que de el perfil, enviadle el vídeo y el enlace de la campaña para ver si se anima a hacer que la baraja-traductor universal Travel Cards se haga realidad.

Muchas gracias.


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