
Financié le 04 / 08 / 2013
$ 10,127
$ 9,956
$ 13,702
137 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 5

    Your name in the film credits

    Your name and last names will appear in the Thank You credits in the end of Trikifollia.

    > 17 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 11

    The documentary on your computer

    In advance and direct download in HD of Trikifollia + Mention in the credits

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 21

    Trikifollia in DVD (with bonus)
    Trikifollia in DVD (with bonus such as the making-of and interviews with the team members) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits
    > 18 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 32

    Go to the premiere!

    Invitation to the premiere event that will take place in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 31 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 43

    Get dressed of Trikifollia

    Special Trikifollia T-shirt + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 54

    Get dressed of Trikifollia in the premiere
    Special Trikifollia T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits
    > 18 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 86

    Have a lunch with Trikifollia

    A lunch with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 107

    Have a lunch with Trikifollia... and your companion!

    A lunch for two with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 161

    On the set without leaving home

    Dairy digital shipment of selected digital photos during the trip about the shooting + A surprise souvenir from Castelfidardo + A lunch with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 00 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 214

    Your logo in the film

    The logo of your company, bar, shop, association... will appear as “Producer” in the credits of the documentary + Dairy shipment of digital photos about the shooting + A surprise souvenir from Castelfidardo + A lunch with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the final credits

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 321

    Projection and talk for groups, associations, schools…

    Projection of the work with a talk about the aspects that interest you about the project (in all cases the co-founders are in charge of the projection place and the infrastructure; out from The Basque Country transportation must be added, and the stay if it is necessary). + Your name and/or your logo will appear in the Thank You credits in the end of Trikifollia

    > 08 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 1,071

    Be an Associate Producer

    Participate as Associate Producer of Trikifollia; your logo will appear in the beginning of the documentary and obtain a 5% of the total benefits that can be generated by selling the full documentary to TV channels + Dairy shipment of digital photos about the shooting + A surprise souvenir from Castelfidardo + A lunch with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits
    Services: Have a lunch with Trikifollia... and your companion!
    A lunch for two with the team the day of the premiere in Donostia/San Sebastián + A T-shirt + Invitation to the premiere event in Donostia/San Sebastián + DVD (with bonus) + Direct download in HD + Mention in the credits

    > 01 Cofinanceurs

Trikifollia ya está aquí

09 | 04 | 2014
Trikifollia ya está aquí

Queridos Amigos:

Por fin ha llegado el momento que durante tantos meses estabáis esperando. Trikifollia, el documental que, entre otras cosas, narra el origen de la trikitixa , verá la luz el próximo sábado,12 de abril.
La casa del guarda (guardetxe) del Monte Urgull será el escenario para el estreno de Trikifollia, un acto al que asistirán patrocinadores y medios de comunicación.
Sin vuestra aportación nada de esto hubiera sido posible.
Muchas gracias por haber hecho de Trikifollia una realidad.
En las próximas semanas nos pondremos en contacto con vosotros para haceros llegar más noticias y vuestras recompensas.
Un saludo, el equipo de Trikifollia


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