Txakoli: Legacy of Balmaseda

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Financié le 24 / 01 / 2023
$ 12,045
$ 4,962
$ 9,235
131 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 5

    BRONZE Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 1.50€
      (the actual cost will be 3.50€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).
    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 16

    SILVER Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 1 vine marked with the name of your choice
    • 2 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 4.50€
      (the actual cost will be 10.50€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 08 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 27

    GOLD Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 3 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 4 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 7.50€
      (the actual cost will be 17.50€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 34 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 53

    DIAMOND Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 7 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 8 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • Guided visit to Alfredo's vineyard with IZAKI wine tasting and some appetizers.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 15€
      (the actual cost will be 35€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 45 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 80

    STEEL Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 12 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 12 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 22,50€
      (the actual cost will be 52,50€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 20 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 107

    STAR Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 16 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 16 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 30€
      (the actual cost will be 70€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 12 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 160

    IRON Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 24 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 10 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • 3 bottles of IZAKI txakoli
    • 1 bottle of REBEL REBEL txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 45€
      (the actual cost will be 105€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 06 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 160

    IRON Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 24 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 10 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • 3 bottles of IZAKI txakoli
    • 1 bottle of REBEL REBEL txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 45€
      (the actual cost will be 105€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 08 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 214

    MONUMENTAL Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 32 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 10 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • 4 bottles of IZAKI txakoli
    • 2 bottles of REBEL REBEL txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 60€
      (the actual cost will be 140€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 214

    MONUMENTAL Contribution

    • Personalized thanks on our website and social networks
    • 32 vines marked with the name of your choice
    • 10 bottles of Egia Enea txakoli
    • 4 bottles of IZAKI txakoli
    • 2 bottles of REBEL REBEL txakoli
    • Guided tour of Alfredo's vineyard with a tasting of the IZAKI and REBEL REBEL wines, some appetizers and the tasting of a surprise wine.
    • If you are in the Basque Country, you have access to a tax deduction of 60€
      (the actual cost will be 140€).
    • Participation ticket for the raffle on 24/01 for a basket of local products (for contributions made up to and including 23/01).

    The reward must be collected in person in Balmaseda on a date and place to be agreed from March 2023 onwards.

    > 06 Cofinanceurs

¡Muchas gracias a nuestros co-financiadores!

Al cierre de esta primera fase del proyecto y al cierre oficial de la campaña de crowdfunding, queremos agradecer a todos aquellos que creyeron en el proyecto y confiaron en nosotros para llevarlo a cabo. Esto habría sido imposible de lograr...

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Ya se encuentran disponibles los certificados de apadrinamiento. ¿Ya has visto el tuyo?

/Equipo del Txakoli: Balmasedako Ondare

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03 Commentaires


¡Buenas tardes co-financiadores! Queremos invitarlos a participar de la primera charla formativa que realizaremos sobre la vid y la producción del txakoli. En esta ocasión la charla la dará nuestro querido enólogo Alfredo Egia y se hablará...

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¡Saludos a todos!

A finales de este mes se va a proceder a la entrega de las recompensas correspondientes a los cofinanciadores que han aportado los niveles PLATA y ORO, los cuales no tienen visita guiada incluida.

Las fechas y el lugar...

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01 Commentaires
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
Wow, we've doubled what we hoped for in Goteo!
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!

Urte berri on!

¡Aprovechamos la oportunidad para desearles un muy feliz y próspero año nuevo!

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¡Nuevas Recompensas Disponibles!

Hemos añadido dos líneas adicionales de recompensas para aportes de 150€ y 200€ y hemos incluido una nueva línea para aportes de 75€. ¡Seran las últimas líneas de recompensas que se añadan a la campaña y **las unidades son...

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Nuevas Líneas de Recompensas en Camino

Arratsalde on!
Cómo habréis visto se nos han agotado las recompensas superiores a 100 €. Les pedimos que nos tengan paciencia ya que estamos trabajando en incorporar una nueva línea de recompensa por 75€, y añadir nuevamente algunas...

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Yipie! Funding goal achieved!
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!
More than half of the way walked. Our goal is getting closer!

Nuevas Recompensas por Aportes de 150 € y 200 €

Estamos muy contentos de compartir con ustedes que estaremos incorporando dos nuevas líneas de recompensas a la campaña para aquellos que quieran hacer aportes superiores a los 100 €. ¡Atentos que las unidades de recompensas serán limitadas!

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¡Les agradecemos a nuestros primeros cofinanciadores!

Queremos agradecer a nuestros primeros 22 cofinanciadores por creer en el proyecto, apostar por él y confiar en nosotros para llevarlo a cabo. En poco más de 24 horas hemos conseguido el 37% de los fondos mínimos que necesitamos para empezar...

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First contributions have warmed up our funding thermometer but we still need support!
First few donations, thanks! :)
This campaign kicks off!