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Financié le 24 / 04 / 2018
£ 4,192
£ 2,285
£ 4,345
82 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 9

    Thank you very much!!

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    > 11 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 17

    Pictures with a story

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    > 20 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 43

    Pictures with a story and a souvenir

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly! As well, we will bring you and send you a souvenir ( surprise!) from our trip.

    > 16 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 85

    Pictures with a story, dinner and concert

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. :)

    > 07 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour £ 128

    Pictures with a story, dinner , concert and tour.

    We really thank you for your help. :) We will also thank you publicly and you will appear as a sponsor on our page.

    We will send you some special pictures of our experience. We will explain to you what is the story behind each picture and how was the moment when it was taken. :)

    We will also make a video of the show which you will see... before we publish it openly!

    Also, we would love to invite you to a dinner in our home and to offer you a concert of our musicians, Nuria&Constantin. We would also like to show you one of our cities - Madrid, Paris or Granada- on a nice and personal tour.

    > 02 Cofinanceurs

Minimum atteint !

14 | 03 | 2018

Le minimum a été atteint !

Cette part de l’argent est destinée à couvrir les dépenses basiques telles que 24% du billet d’avion, la location de la voiture, l’essence et le piano.

Notre projet se concrétise ! Nous avons déjà les dates  Nous serons en Grèce les deux dernières semaines de juillet. Grâce à vous, nous nous rapprochons de notre but : apporter de l’espoir et de la joie dans les camps de réfugiés en Grèce grâce à la musique et au théâtre.

Nous sommes extrêmement reconnaissant de l’aide que nous avons reçue. C’est pourquoi nous voulons dire un énorme MERCI à Jose Luis Carranza Fortes, Jordan Le Cam, Carmen Gomez Camarero, Miguel Botella López, Ana Palomo, Fátima, Marta Miguel Álvarez, MESNIL, Alicia, Ana(s), Julia Fernández, Antonio Fernández, Montserrat Rancaño, Marina Martinez Fresneda Rodriguez, Melissa Tb, Maria José Miro Sarda, Laura Bravo Clemente, Valentine de Massé, Mª Luisa Moraga Simancas, Rosa María Mateos Ruiz, Valentine G., Julia Ávila jimenez, Andrea Villarrubia Delgado, Esther Teso, Ana Belen Gil Gonzalez, Luis, Carmen Moral Santaella, Nicholas Smith, Montserrat Vadillo, Adela Miró Sardá, Kevin Dornan, Bea, de Masse, Carmen Dominguez Nogueira, Juanjo Rosado, Miguel Sainz Mañas, Pablo Gil, Elena Gañan Sanchez, Juan Santana, Liz Alfonso Méndez , Rafael Escribano, Marta Falces Sierra, Gabriele, Muesca61, Ana María Rupérez Rupérez, Cristina Vega et toutes les personnes qui ont collaboré au projet anonymement.
Nous voulons aussi remercier le blog de Estudiantes de Filología de la UGR, le blog of Proyecto plurilingüe del IES Generalife et le lycée, qui nous a laissé faire un atelier avec les élèves, sans oublier La Zubia Voluntaria, et Creando Conciencia.


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