Be a part of Missex's first vinyl and digital album

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Financié le 10 / 09 / 2023
$ 4,947
$ 2,939
$ 8,666
104 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 19

    I'll take it

    Missex printed bag
    Delivery in Barcelona on the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 30

    I dance it

    Vinyl + Digital download of the album elecotroguarritrop
    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 21 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 32

    Missex special collection t-shirt

    Missex special collection t-shirt
    Delivery in Barcelona on the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.

    > 18 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 45

    I'll dance it off and take it with me

    Vinyl + Digital download + Bag + Missex Postcard

    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst!!Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to check the tax calculator: (

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 53

    Unique and plurisex underpants+Vinyl + Digital download

    Underpants manufactured by AIchh+ Vinyl +Digital download
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    Tax refund*:140€.
    Your real expense will be 10 €.

    pst!! only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 04 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 59

    Entrance to the Goteo celebration in Barcelona+Digital download + tote bag

    Entrance to the celebration of Goteo in Barcelona+Digital download
    Private Party in Barcelona with SHow de Missex
    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 74

    I am in electroguarritrop mode

    Missex special collection T-shirt + Vinyl +Digital download + Bag
    Delivery in Barcelona the day of the album release.
    Does not include shipping in Spain or outside Spain.
    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 02 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 534

    I enjoy it*.

    Missex DJ set of 1 hour + bag + sticker+postcard+digital download
    *transport and sound not included

    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to check the tax calculator: (

    > 01 Cofinanceurs
  • Pour $ 962

    I came with all *

    Missex private concert + Vinyl + digital download + bag + Missex postcard and Sticker

    Transport and sound not included

    pst! Only in Spain remember that you will be able to deduct between 35% and 80% of your contribution in your next tax return! Click here to consult the tax calculator: (

    > 00 Cofinanceurs

Primera entrega de recompensas

Tú también eres Missex. Así que te voy contando como vamos. Estuvimos en el Womex, una Feria de World Music muy Importante. Hemos grabado la mayoría de los temas en el estudio de Pol Moreno y realizado un primer master y mezcla digital, nos...

[En voir plus]
Our collective reward after Goteo's campaign is already available through our project's website.
We are nearly 100, feel like giving it a try and help us reach that?
This is almost done! Our way through Goteo has also allowed us to explain ourselves.

Missex en la radio

Al aire entrevista de Missex sobre su proyecto y el #YoGooteoConMissex

[En voir plus]
We made it! Campaign successfully funded in Goteo thanks to lots of people ;)
We are almost there. We need you, they already supported us!
100% of the minimum achieved, it's a total joy! Thank you!
Will we make it? One week left and we still need to achieve the minimum goal!
Thanks to people's support, our project is very close to become true!

Missex en el Centre de Arts Santa Monica

En el ciclo De(s)generadas Missex con su último tema Somos Migras

[En voir plus]
Half way to our goal!

entrevista en Zoom tu opinión cuenta

si quieres concoer un poco mas de Missex en esta entrevista cuanta mas acerca de ella y de lo que piensa

[En voir plus]
Has it been already 20 days of campaign? Time to remember non monetary contributions.
20% of our funding goal is over! great!
We have received a donation of €500 in the campaign, thank you!
It's been week now we launched our campaign. Here our reasons (click!).
After setting sail, we look for boaters! Clic here and learn about our campaign goals.

Entrevista en Beteve en territori Groupi

a comienzos de año cuando estabamos organizando la campaña estuvimos en Territrio Groupi aca te dejamos un poco de lo que fue esa entrevista para que nos conzcas más

[En voir plus]
Would you like to know more about our campaign? Here we go
First few donations, thanks! :)